Wow! What an amazing day we just had! We were lucky enough to be at Technos international week for the celebration of their 50th anniversary as a college and 20th anniversary in their Fuchu campus. They have been preparing for over a year (since it was supposed to be during last year's cancelled international week) and it showed. The entire event was done with impecable taste, finesse, and the perfect amount of glamour for a golden celebration! Some of the more prominent guests included the governor of Tokyo, the Saudia Arabian ambassador to Japan, a former education minister, an Italian club soccer team member and owner (still a little unclear what the connection was, but I think Mr. Tanaka is a big supporter of their charitable work giving children all over the world a chance to play soccer), and the president of one of the sister name a few. This seemingly random assortment of guests had nothing but good things to say to the college and the Tanaka family.
This is a Daruma, the Japanese doll that represents Bodhidarma, a founder of Zen Buddhism. The legend says he lost his arms and legs from meditating for so long. He is now seen as a symbol of patience and effort in Japan. The Daruma's eyes start out blank. The recipient of the doll fills in one eye upon setting a goal, and the other upon fulfilling it. This one eyed Buddha is a reminder of your goal until you reach it and paint the second eye in. One explanation of this tradition is that in order to motivate the Daruma-san to gran your wish, you promise to give him full sight once the goal is accomplished. I believe the wish at this ceremony was for the school to keep growing for another 50 years.
Many extravagant flower arrangements lined the hall, all gifts from various guests and friends congratulating Technos college on reaching their milestone. |
The amazing lunch banquet had various foods from all over the world (sushi to dumplings to roast beef and prosciutto) . It was a little overwhelming, but hands down the best food I have tasted in a long time. |
Men in suits were everywhere today! I found it a little surprising how few women attended the celebration. |
Special sake cups with the school's logo were made for the toast. The sake barrel in the background was also part of the opening ceremony. The honored guests were given wooden hammers and all at the same time broke the top open in "kagamiwari" or "perfect harmony". It is a ceremony used to wish for health and happiness at any new beginning. |
Best. Sushi. I have ever tasted. In my life. |
After lunch we saw a concert by a Hiromi Go. Unfortunately the rain didn't let up, but that didn't stop everyone from dancing and enjoying themselves!
Small Wiki article about Hiromi Go
After the ceremony and concert Sandy and I enjoyed spending the evening with two Technos students. Here we are editing our pictures at the most elaborate photo booth I had ever been in. You can actually change your eyes's shape and color, hair color, add funny stamps, write words, and add silly accessories. They even had a rack of costumes for you to pose in! After that, and some shopping, we grabbed a delicious dinner and talked for a good two hours! Both girls had their TOEFL exams tomorrow, so we counted it as studying. We both agreed it was such a fun night!
Until next time,
WOW! Thanks so much for taking the time to shsre all these amazing adventures.
ReplyDeleteI second Mike's comment - great post and beautiful pictures! xoxo